Real life stories

What may start off as a bit of fun can easily get out of hand for many gamblers. Here are some stories from people who have lived or worked with gambling harm. Check them out.

Gabriel describes how gambling became an escape for other things in his life.

Katoni explains how some people can reduce harmful gambling without having to stop gambling.

Moana shares her personal journey of living with a gambler.

Nicole speaks about growing up in a family with her Dad gambling

Rina explains how she became suspicious about her husband’s behaviour and discovered he was gambling.

Ruth talks about gambling in her whānau.

Shirley explains the help that Budgeting Services can provide.

Colin talks about his own gambling, the changes he made, and offers support to others.

Hoani talks about how his gambling led him to steal from his wife’s workplace.

Maria talks about what the free Gambling Helpline has to offer.

Naomi speaks about the range of people that visit support services.

Posese looks back on his gambling journey and the impact that had on his family.

Robyn explains how her happy life was turned upside down.

Sarah explains how it feels to come out the other side of gambling.

Simon describes the harm caused by gambling and the changes he needed to make.